nextgen education group


Our courses are fully informed by evidence and are guaranteed to improve learning outcomes for students by enhancing the knowledge and skills of teachers and school leaders. We have a set of standard courses for teachers and school leaders which will run throughout the year. These courses are open to the public and will be run periodically during the year. We also have tailor made courses. These are designed based upon the specific need/requirements of a school or group of schools.


Initial teacher training can’t prepare teachers enough for the challenges they will face throughout their career. That is why it is mandatory for teachers to take part in continuous professional development programmes.   

Our courses will help you develop the skills and knowledge you require to progress your career and become effective at your job. They are evidence based, practical and fun. Choose the course that is most suitable to you.

Understanding content

It goes without saying that teachers need mastery of the content they teach (content knowledge). It is also equally important that they know how it is learnt (pedagogical content knowledge). Great teachers have a thorough understanding of curriculum sequencing and interdependencies among the various aspects of the subject they teach. Moreover, they possess a repertoire of appropriate activities such as models, examples and explanations which they can use as necessary to help teach a topic well. They know common misconceptions and errors and deal with them well. In this course you will develop your pedagogical content knowledge and your knowledge of common student strategies and misconceptions so that you can plan and deliver more effective lessons.

Creating conducive learning environment

Great teachers know how to create a safe, supportive and efficient learning environment. Creating such an environment involves managing behavior, establishing routines and expectations and building relationships. In this course, you will learn classroom management techniques, ways to motivate your students to strive for excellence and build relationships of trust.

Understanding how students learn

Advances in cognitive science in the last half century means there is better understanding of how learning takes place. Understanding the science about memory and cognition and their implications for teaching will help teachers design and deliver more effective lessons. The main objective of this course is to help you understand the cognitive load theory and its implications for lesson design and delivery.

High impact teaching strategies

Teachers employ different techniques and approaches in the classroom. Research has shown that some techniques and approaches have proven to have the biggest impact on learning. In this course, you will see some of these high impact teaching strategies and explore how you may need to adapt your own teaching.

Let’s design a course for you

School leaders

Student achievement in a school almost never exceeds the quality of its leadership and management and improvements in performance almost never occur in the absence of good leadership. (F. Whelan, 2009)

This school leadership programme is for leaders seeking to make the greatest impact in their schools. You will develop leadership approaches and practical solutions that support effective teaching and learning and continuous performance improvement in your school.

Leading teaching and learning

We know that school leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on student learning. But, what is it that school leaders do that enhances learning outcomes for students? In this course, you will discover the actions, values and traits of successful leaders who have made it possible for every learner to thrive and excel.

Improving schools

There is compelling evidence of how successful leaders have turned failing schools into outstanding schools. In this course, you will engage with the evidence and research about school improvement and use the learning to draw up your own improvement plan.